One user of The Dive Bomb wrote
” Just wanted to write and tell you how wonderful your product proved to be. Two years ago my wife and I took the kids to the Gulf of Mexico along the coast of Florida. We went scalloping for a week late in the season. Needless to say the remaining scallops were being found in much deeper waters. We were diving down 7 feet each time. This took a toll on young and old alike. I had a hard time enjoying the moment due to wondering where my wife and kids were each time I surfaced. I would have to wait do a head count and only then look for more scallops and dive again. Knowing the whole time that if one were to be in trouble it would be hard to reach them in time to avoid a possible tragedy. Over several days this took a toll on me both physically and mentally. Eventually, I resided to stay in the boat and keep a close eye on my family.
I am happy to say after using your product this year on an outing to the gulf. I can finally have peace of mind while snorkeling with my family. Not only does it mark each ones location, but it gives me confidence they could reach their dive bomb if cramps or any other problem arose. I am thrilled about going back this season for some more scallops. The dive bomb I know is going to be a game changer for me and my family.”
Thank you!